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About Us

We are a team of several people in charge of the pet business . Our partners take care of the puppies in the store , and we are responsible for explaining and guiding the customers on how to raise puppies in details . 📖

We are all dog lovers , and we hope that each furkid can be safe and happy in the new home ❤️ Therefore we also hope that every customer don't hesitate to ask us questions at anytime if they have something they don't understand . As long as we know the answers , we can explain to you in details . ❣️

We cherish every customer who chooses us . Even though our puppies are not the cheapest , we promise that we will do our best to give you the best service as much as we can . 🐾

我们是一个团队由几位负责人一起在经营着这个宠物生意 。我们的合伙人负责在店里照顾狗狗,而我们负责与顾客解释及详细教导该如何饲养 。📖

我们都是爱狗人士,都希望每一只毛宝贝可以平安快乐的在新家长大 ❤️ 所以我们也希望每位顾客们别害羞,有什么不明白或不懂的地方,都可以随时向我们询问。只要我们知道的,我们都可以一一解释给你明白 。❣️

我们非常珍惜每一位选择我们的顾客。我们的狗狗并不是最便宜的 ,但我们保证肯定会尽全力给你们最好最棒的服务。🐾

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